City of Peshtigo  -  Commercial Setbacks


                  Section 52-355 B-1 ( Neighborhood stores – clinics - restaurants) Yard Setbacks

                                    (1) Front yard: 40 feet.

                                    (2) Rear yard: 20 feet.

                                    (3) Side yard: ten feet.



                  Sec-352-387 B-2  (General Commercial)

                                    Max 45 feet high


                 Section 52-389  Yards

                                    No minimum size


                  Sec 52-410  B-3 (Highway Commercial )

                                    Max height principal structure 35 feet

                                    Max height for accessory building  15 feet


                  Sec 52-412  B-3 Yards

                                    Principal buildings and accessory buildings attached or unattached to principal buildings shall be;

                                    (1) Front yard setbacks

                                                      a. Parking allowed in front yard: 50 feet

                                                      b. No parking in front yard 25 feet

                                    (2) Rear yard setback 20 feet

                                    (3) Side yard setback 15 feet


                  Sec  52-441   (I -1 (General Industrial)

                                    Building Height  for Principal structure 45 feet

                                     Accessory building 25 feetI-1 (Industrial)

                  Sec 52-443 Setback front

                                    Parking allowed in front yard - 50 feet

                                    No parking allowed in front yard – 25 feet

                                    Rear yard setback 30 feet

                                    Side yard setback 30 feet


                  Sec 52-474   (  I-2 (Light Industrial )

                                    Building Height for Principal structure 35 feet

                                     Accessory building 15 feet

                  Sec 52-476 Front yard setback

                                    Parking allowed – 50 feet

                                    No Parking – 25 feet

                                    Rear 20 feet except abutting residential then 40 feet